Results for 'Henry X. Shi'

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  1.  45
    The Family That Prays Together Stays Together: Toward a Process Model of Religious Value Transmission in Family Firms.Francesco Barbera, Henry X. Shi, Ankit Agarwal & Mark Edwards - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (4):661-673.
    Research indicates that religious values and ethical behavior are closely associated, yet, at a firm level, the processes by which this association occurs are poorly understood. Family firms are known to exhibit values-based behavior, which in turn can lead to specific firm-level outcomes. It is also known that one’s family is an important incubator, enabler, and perpetuator of religious values across successive generations. Our study examines the experiences of a single, multigenerational business family that successfully enacted their religious values in (...)
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    Characterization and interpretation of the morphology of a Mg2Sn precipitate with irrational facets in a Mg–Sn–Mn alloy.Z. -Z. Shi, W. -Z. Zhang & X. -F. Gu - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (9):1071-1082.
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    Depressive Symptoms and Associated Psychosocial Factors among Adolescent Survivors 30 Months after 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake: A Follow-Up Study. [REVIEW]Xuliang Shi, Nancy X. Yu, Ya Zhou, Fulei Geng & Fang Fan - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Relaxation in Ni–Mn–Ga ferromagnetic shape memory alloys.X. Jin, D. Bono, C. Henry, J. Feuchtwanger, S. M. Allen & R. C. O'Handley - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (28):3193-3199.
  5.  19
    The Chinese Classic of Family Reverence: A Philosophical Translation of the X Iaojing.Henry Rosemont - 2008 - University of Hawai'i Press. Edited by Roger T. Ames.
    Few if any philosophical schools have championed family values as persistently as the early Confucians, and a great deal can be learned by attending to what they had to say on the subject. In the Confucian tradition, human morality and the personal realization it inspires are grounded in the cultivation of family feeling. One may even go so far as to say that, for China, family reverence was a necessary condition for developing any of the other human qualities of excellence. (...)
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    Transport and mechanical properties of Yb-filled skutterudites.J. R. Salvador, J. Yang, X. Shi, H. Wang, A. A. Wereszczak, H. Kong & C. Uher - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (19):1517-1534.
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  7. En Islam iranien. Aspects spirituels et philosophiques ; t. III : Les Fidèles d'Amour. Shî'isme et soufisme.Henry Corbin - 1975 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 165 (1):63-64.
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    (1 other version)No Obligation for Mrs. X—But Can She Be Bought?Henry B. Soloway & Michael Jerome Carella - 1983 - Hastings Center Report 13 (6):45.
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    ASCII conventions: #x# is boldface x; ^x^ is superscript x; ~x~ is subscript x; *x* is italicized x.Henry P. Stapp - unknown
    It is argued on the basis of certain mathematical characteristics that classical mechanics is not constitutionally suited to accommodate consciousness, whereas quantum mechanics is. These mathematical characteristics pertain to the nature of the information represented in the state of the brain, and the way this information enters into the dynamics.
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  10.  93
    Alone with the alone: creative imagination in the Ṣūfism of Ibn ʻArabī.Henry Corbin - 1998 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
    "Henry Corbin's works are the best guide to the visionary tradition.... Corbin, like Scholem and Jonas, is remembered as a scholar of genius. He was uniquely equipped not only to recover Iranian Sufism for the West, but also to defend the principal Western traditions of esoteric spirituality."--From the introduction by Harold Bloom Ibn 'Arabi (1165-1240) was one of the great mystics of all time. Through the richness of his personal experience and the constructive power of his intellect, he made (...)
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  11. Spiritual Body and Celestial Earth: From Mazdean Iran to Shî'ite Iran.Henry Corbin & Nancy Pearson - 1982 - Religious Studies 18 (2):233-236.
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  12.  71
    Henry Carr Farm.Edward X. Ronan - 1981 - The Chesterton Review 7 (1):88-89.
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    Spontaneously Emitted X-rays: An Experimental Signature of the Dynamical Reduction Models.C. Curceanu, S. Bartalucci, A. Bassi, M. Bazzi, S. Bertolucci, C. Berucci, A. M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, L. De Paolis, S. Di Matteo, S. Donadi, A. D’Uffizi, J. -P. Egger, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, T. Ishiwatari, M. Laubenstein, J. Marton, E. Milotti, A. Pichler, D. Pietreanu, K. Piscicchia, T. Ponta, E. Sbardella, A. Scordo, H. Shi, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, L. Sperandio, O. Vazquez Doce & J. Zmeskal - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (3):263-268.
    We present the idea of searching for X-rays as a signature of the mechanism inducing the spontaneous collapse of the wave function. Such a signal is predicted by the continuous spontaneous localization theories, which are solving the “measurement problem” by modifying the Schrödinger equation. We will show some encouraging preliminary results and discuss future plans and strategy.
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  14. La christologie philosophique de Michel Henry.X. Tilliette - 1998 - Gregorianum 79 (2):369-379.
    L'A. présente et commente un ouvrage de Michel Henry, un philosophe de Montpellier : C'est Moi la Vérité : pour une philosophie du christianisme . Il s'agit d'un très bel exposé de christologie philosophique. On y trouve une compréhension spéculative du Christ de la foi et de la théologie, tels que les siècles de réflexion l'ont transformé.
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  15. Introduction.Stapp Henry - unknown
    Theme 1 pertains to "importance." By ‘most important’ I mean most important to human beings. Physicists have generally shied away from the problems of human beings, and the role of our minds in nature, because they are so complex: these problems have been set aside for a later time. But that time has now arrived. The needed technologies, funding, and interest are all at hand. Moreover, the advances in technology now allow scores of laboratories to participate, and the number will (...)
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    The Renaissance by Robert Ergang. Van Nostrand Company, Princeton, New Jersey, 1967. - Pp.X + 35 illustrations + pp. 477. [REVIEW]Henri Gibaud - 1968 - Moreana 5 (Number 19-5 (3-4):123-124.
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    Note sur G. Sebba, "A 'New' Descartes Edition?".Henri Gaston Gouhier - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (1):71-71.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Notes and Discussions NOTE SUR G. SEBBA,"A 'NEw' DESCARTESEDITION?"* Puisque le titre du tr~s int~ressant article: "A 'New' Descartes Edition?" contient un point d'interrogation, donnons imm~diatement la r6ponse: non, il ne s'agit pas d'une 6dition vraiment "nouvelle." Le professeur Gregor Sebba a tr~s exactement expos6 les raisons qui justifieraient une "nouvelle ~dition": le projet de la Librairie Vrin pretend simplement ~tre une solution empirique et provisoire. Des professeurs et (...)
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  18. En Islam iranien. Aspects spirituels et philosophiques, T. 1. Le shi'isme duodécimain; Y. II. Sohrawardi et les Platoniciens de Perse. [REVIEW]Henry Corbin - 1973 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 35 (1):184-185.
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  19. En Islam iranien. Aspects spirituels et philosophiques, T. III. : L. 3. Les Fidèles d'amour, L. 4. Shi'isme et soufisme ; T. IV. : L. 5. L'École d'Ispahani, L. 6. L'École Shaykhie, L. 7. Le Douzième Imam. [REVIEW]Henry Corbin - 1973 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 35 (2):393-394.
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  20.  25
    Mind, Brain, and Neuroscience.Henry P. Stapp - 2014 - Cosmos and History 10 (1):227-231.
    Quantum mechanics as conceived by Niels Bohr and formulated in rigorous terms by John von Neumann is expressed as quantum neuroscience: a description of the relationship between certain conscious experiences of an observer that are described in terms of the concepts of classical physics and neural processes that are described in terms of the concepts of quantum physics. The theory is applied to recent neuroscience data to determine the rapidity of the observer's probing actions that is needed to account for (...)
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  21.  65
    How to Use Proper Names.Henri Lauener - 1994 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 49 (1):101-119.
    According to relativized transcendentalism, the meaning of expressions, consisting in their intension and extension, is provided by a set of (syntactical, semantical and pragmatical) rules which prescribe their correct use in a context. We interpret a linguistic system by fixing a domain (of the values of the variables) and by assigning exactly one object to each individual constant and n-tuples of objects to predicates. The theory says that proper names have a purely referential role and that their meaning is therefore (...)
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  22.  12
    (T.P.) Wiseman Exeter and the Ancient World. People and Stories. Pp. x + 102, ills. Exeter: The Mint Press, 2020. Paper, £6. ISBN: 978-1-903356-74-6. [REVIEW]Henry Stead - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (1):249-250.
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    CW Marx, The Devil's Rights and the Redemption in the Literature of Medieval England. Woodbridge, Suffolk; and Rochester, NY: Boydell and Brewer, 1995. Pp. x, 184 plus 4 black-and-white figures. $53. [REVIEW]Henry Ansgar Kelly - 1997 - Speculum 72 (3):859-861.
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    History of Mathematical Sciences Barbara J. Shapiro, Probability and certainty in seventeenth-century England: a study of the relationships between natural science, religion, history, law, and literature. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1983. Pp. x + 347. ISBN 0-691-05379-0. £26.00. [REVIEW]John Henry - 1984 - British Journal for the History of Science 17 (2):232-232.
  25.  17
    A realizability interpretation for classical analysis.Henry Towsner - 2004 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 43 (7):891-900.
    We present a realizability interpretation for classical analysis–an association of a term to every proof so that the terms assigned to existential formulas represent witnesses to the truth of that formula. For classical proofs of Π2 sentences ∀x∃yA(x,y), this provides a recursive type 1 function which computes the function given by f(x)=y iff y is the least number such that A(x,y).
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    Une autre opposition des substrats culturels de l’Occident et de la Chine : le culte de l’or et celui du jade.Shi Zhongyi - 2017 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 18 (2):199-205.
    Comme L’Illiade fait référence à un culte de l’or chez les anciens grecs, la Biographie de l’Empereur Mu des Zhou ( x e siècle av. J.-C.) évoque un culte du jade dans l’ancienne Chine. L’existence d’un tel culte a été confirmée par les fouilles archéologiques permettant d’établir qu’il se pratiquait depuis 8000 avant notre ère. L’article entend montrer comment les échanges commerciaux liés à ce culte ont permis de conjurer les périls de la guerre et symbolisent la conviction pacifique de (...)
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  27.  14
    How to Use Proper Names.Henri Lauener - 1994 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 49 (1):101-119.
    According to relativized transcendentalism, the meaning of expressions, consisting in their intension and extension, is provided by a set of (syntactical, semantical and pragmatical) rules which prescribe their correct use in a context. We interpret a linguistic system by fixing a domain (of the values of the variables) and by assigning exactly one object to each individual constant and n-tuples of objects to predicates. The theory says that proper names have a purely referential role and that their meaning is therefore (...)
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  28. How sexist is Aristotle's developmantal biology?Devin Henry - 2007 - Phronesis 52 (3):251-69.
    The aim of this paper is to evaluate the level of gender bias in Aristotle’s Generation of Animals while exercising due care in the analysis of its arguments. I argue that while the GA theory is clearly sexist, the traditional interpretation fails to diagnose the problem correctly. The traditional interpretation focuses on three main sources of evidence: (1) Aristotle’s claim that the female is, as it were, a “disabled” (πεπηρωμένον) male; (2) the claim at GA IV.3, 767b6-8 that females are (...)
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  29.  32
    Paul Kléber Monod. Solomon's Secret Arts: The Occult in the Age of Enlightenment. x + 430 pp., illus., index. New Haven, Conn./London: Yale University Press. $45. [REVIEW]John Henry - 2014 - Isis 105 (1):223-224.
  30.  35
    Prostitutes and Courtesans in the Ancient World (review).Madeleine Mary Henry - 2007 - American Journal of Philology 128 (3):419-423.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Prostitutes and Courtesans in the Ancient WorldMadeleine M. HenryChristopher A. Faraone and Laura K. McClure, eds. Prostitutes and Courtesans in the Ancient World. Wisconsin Studies in Classics. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2006. x + 360 pp. Cloth, $65; paper, 24.95.This collection stems from a conference at the University of Wisconsin, Madison in April 2002. McClure's introduction situates the essays historically from nineteenth-century assemblages of textual references to (...)
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    Antiquity to the Renaissance Norman Kretzmann , Infinity and continuity in ancient medieval thought. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1982. Pp. 367. ISBN 0-8014-1444-X. £20.75, $36.10. [REVIEW]John Henry - 1984 - British Journal for the History of Science 17 (1):103-104.
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    Elizabethanne Boran; Mordechai Feingold . Reading Newton in Early Modern Europe. x + 345 pp., fig., index. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2017. €121 . ISBN 9789004336643. [REVIEW]John Henry - 2019 - Isis 110 (1):168-169.
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    A. J. Holland . Philosophy, Its History and Historiography. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1985. Pp. x + 335. ISBN 90-277-1945-4. £37.50, U.S. $49.00. [REVIEW]John Henry - 1987 - British Journal for the History of Science 20 (1):120-121.
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    Barry Brundell. Pierre Gassendi: From Aristotelianism to a New Natural Philosophy. Dordrecht, Boston, Lancaster, Tokyo: D. Reidel, 1987. Pp. x + 251. ISBN 90-277-2428-8. £49.00, $64.00. [REVIEW]John Henry - 1988 - British Journal for the History of Science 21 (2):260-261.
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  35.  35
    Peter Harrison;, Ronald L. Numbers;, Michael H. Shank . Wrestling with Nature: From Omens to Science. x + 440 pp., illus., bibl., index. Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press, 2011. $95. [REVIEW]John Henry - 2012 - Isis 103 (1):159-160.
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    PAMELA H. SMITH, The Body of the Artisan: Art and Experience in the Scientific Revolution. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2004. Pp. x+367. ISBN 0-26-76399-4. £24.50, $35.00. [REVIEW]John Henry - 2006 - British Journal for the History of Science 39 (4):607-609.
  37.  52
    Definition - Charles (D.) (ed.) Definition in Greek Philosophy. Pp. x + 556. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. Cased, £60. ISBN: 978-0-19-956445-3. [REVIEW]Devin Henry - 2012 - The Classical Review 62 (1):78-80.
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    (1 other version)Review of Medieval Thought: The Western Intellectual Tradition from Antiquity to the Thirteenth Century by Michael Haren Second Edition. Macmillan 1992. Pp. ix + 315. Being a Philosopher: The History of a Practice by D. W. Hamlyn London and New York: Roudedge 1992. Pp. x + 187. ISBN 0-415-02968-6. A History of Western Philosophy Vol. 3, Renaissance Philosophy by Brian B. Copenhaver and Charles B. Schmitt Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992. Pp. 450. Hb pound30.00. Pb pound8.99. La Scepsi moderna. Interpretazioni dello scetticismo da Charron a Hume by Gianni Paganini Pp. 528. Cosenza: Edizioni Il Busento 1991. L 60,000. A History of Modern Political Thought 185 A History of Modern Political Thought, Major Political Thinkers from Hobbes to Marx by Iain Hampsher-Monk Oxford: Blackwell 1992 Pp. xiii + 609 Paperback, pound14.99. Malebranche and Ideas 189 Malebranche and Ideas by Steven M. Nadler New York: Oxford University Press 1992. Pp. 192. ISBN 0-19-507724-5. pound35.00 Kantian Aesthe. [REVIEW]Desmond Henry, Vere Chappell, Beverly Southgate, Antonio Clericuzio & D. Rees - 1994 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 2 (1):175-198.
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    A New History of Ourselves, in the Shadow of our Obsessions and Compulsions.Pierre-Henri Castel, Angela Verdier & Louis Sass - 2014 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 21 (4):299-309.
    Before broaching our main subject, and exploring why, among all disorders of the mind, obsessive-compulsive disorders have a place apart, I would like to start from a dilemma that is well-known to historians interested in mental disorders. According to one approach, a mental illness X is considered as a bona fide or ‘genuine’ illness if, and only if, it originates from a disturbance of the brain. Its neurobiological form is in this case considered as invariant, whatever cultural veneer might give (...)
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  40.  63
    Crises of Memory and the Second World War.Patrick Gerard Henry - 2007 - Philosophy and Literature 31 (1):204-209.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Crises of Memory and the Second World WarPatrick HenryCrises of Memory and the Second World War, by Susan Rubin Suleiman; x & 286 pp. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2006. $29.95.This excellent study deals widely and deeply with the crises of memory and World War II but generally focuses on France, Vichy and the Holocaust. The author defines a crisis of memory as "a moment of choice and sometimes (...)
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  41. La Philosophie Shi'ite.Sayyed Haydar Amoli, Osman Yahia & Henry Corbin - 1969 - Departement d'Iranologie de l'Institut Franco-Iranien de Recherche.
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  42.  29
    Real numbers, continued fractions and complexity classes.Salah Labhalla & Henri Lombardi - 1990 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 50 (1):1-28.
    We study some representations of real numbers. We compare these representations, on the one hand from the viewpoint of recursive functionals, and of complexity on the other hand.The impossibility of obtaining some functions as recursive functionals is, in general, easy. This impossibility may often be explicited in terms of complexity: - existence of a sequence of low complexity whose image is not a recursive sequence, - existence of objects of low complexity but whose images have arbitrarily high time- complexity .Moreover, (...)
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  43.  43
    Showing, Not Saying, Negation and Falsehood: Establishing Kimhi’s Two-Way Logical Capacities with Wittgenstein’s Samples.Thomas Henry Raysmith - 2023 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 12:34-53.
    Recently, Irad Kimhi has argued that negation and falsehood can be made intelligible by understanding assertions/judgements as acts of two-way logical capacities. These are capacities that are, at the same time, for (1) positive and negative assertions/judgements and (2) positive and negative facts. Kimhi’s account of negation and falsehood, however, faces severe problems. I argue that these problems can be resolved, and that a new understanding of cases of negation and falsehood can be achieved, by regarding two-way logical capacities for (...)
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  44.  21
    Le livre des pénétrations métaphysiques.Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrazī & Henry Corbin - 1988 - Editions Verdier.
    Quʹest-ce que lʹêre? Cette question passe pour fonder la philosophie. Encore faut-il s'entendre sur le sens du mot "être ". L'essence des choses détermine-t-elle leur existence? Devons-nous affirmer, au contraire, que l'existence conditionne l'intensité d'être qui qualifie une certaine réalité? Molla Sadr Shirazi, dans ce traité écrit en Iran au siècle de Descartes et de Leibniz, médite ces questions qui sont encore les nôtres. Mais les solutions qu'il propose s'évadent hors de nos perspectives, après avoir opéré une révolution décisive dans (...)
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    Studies in philosophy and psychology.Charles Edward Garman, James Hayden Tufts, Edmund Burke Delabarre, Frank Chapman Sharp, Arthur Henry Pierce & Frederick James Eugene Woodbridge (eds.) - 1906 - Boston and New York,: Houghton, Mifflin and company.
    Studies in philosophy: I. Tufts, J.H. On moral evolution. II. Willcos, W.F. The expansion of Europe in its influence upon population. III. Woods, R.A. Democracy a new unfolding of human power. IV. Sharp, F.C. An analysis of the moral judgment. V. Woodbridge, F.J.E. The problem of consciousness. VI. Norton, E.L. The intellectual element in music. VII. Raub, W.L. Pragmatism and Kantianism. VIII. Lyman, E.W. The influence of pragmatism upon the status of theology.--Studies in psychology: IX. Delabarre, E.B. Influence of surrounding (...)
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  46.  51
    Malcolm X and Mohammad Mehdi: The Shi‘a Connection?John Morrow - 2012 - Journal of Shi‘a Islamic Studies 5:5-24.
  47.  9
    Michel Henry, Palabras de Cristo, Salamanca, Ed. Sígueme, 2004, 174 páginas, 22 x 14, ISBN: 84-301-1521-8.José María Garrido Luceño - 2023 - Isidorianum 14 (28):616-619.
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  48. Kitab Jami Al-Asrar Wa-Manba Al-Anwar ; Bih Inzimam-I Risalat Naqd Al-Nuqud Fi Ma Rifat Al-Wujud.Haydar ibn Ali Amuli, Henry Corbin & Uthman Yahyá - 1969 - Qismat-I Iran Shinasi, Anstitu Iran Va Faransah-I Pizhuhish Ha-Yi Ilmi.
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    Henry Harris. Things Come to Life: Spontaneous Generation Revisited. x + 168 pp., illus., figs., index. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. $34.95. [REVIEW]James Strick - 2003 - Isis 94 (1):171-172.
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    W. Henry Lambright. Why Mars: NASA and the Politics of Space Exploration. x + 320 pp., index. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014. $49.95. [REVIEW]John M. Logsdon - 2015 - Isis 106 (4):991-992.
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